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Critique service and mindful writing

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Critique service

I will read and critique short stories up to 5,000 words or poem manuscripts up to 100 lines for £35. Any higher word count, please email me to discuss a fee, but at present I am not reading novel-length manuscripts, or collections, either of short stories or poems.

I work by email only. You'll send me your manuscript and I'll send back a written appraisal plus some comments on the manuscript itself. My service to you will include two (briefish) follow-up email exchanges if required, if you have additional questions or to clear up any points.

In my critiques, I try to adhere to Buddhist principles of compassion and helpful communication. I will try to see your writing from your side, treat you with respect, but tell you as fairly as I can what I think will help you. 


I'm happy to look at both general and genre fiction, and all types of poetry, formal, free verse or hybrid.


Contact me: 

Mindful writing

Courses are in preparation. Watch this space!

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Thank you for your poem

which I read this afternoon

as I lay on my bed

not because I was ill

but because I was indifferent.


It took me past the walls

stuck with flower-patterned paper,

away from the sentinel presence

of a blank computer screen,


away from the books

mounting in hope,

beyond the memories

of last night’s TV-obeisance


and internet-haunting,

gasping like a fish for new images,

beyond the drapes

and net curtains,


out where the sky spins

and the trees roar

and even the dim autumn lawn

is a spanned palm of welcome.

- Dharmavadana

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